大綱是一種簡單的方法,您可以設置自己的虛擬專用網絡(VPN)服務器,以更安全地訪問開放的互聯網並保持您的通信私密。Outline is an easy way for you to set up your own virtual private network (VPN) server to more safely access the open internet and keep your communications ...在Adobe Stock 下載Department Store Shop Category Outline Icons Set 素材庫向量圖,並探索類似的向量圖.Outline: Knowledge Organizer is a powerful tool for managing notes and projects. It's compatible with MS OneNote and made for those who value structure and ...這個應用程序提取並繪製照片中的輪廓。 更新日期. 2024年5月14日. 攝影. 資料安全性. arrow_forward. 想確保安全,就從瞭解開發人員如何收集與分享資料開始!SUBU最大特色是鞋面羽絨般的溫暖和拉絨內層面料貼合整個足部,抵禦寒冷, 可達到防潑水、抗髒污,輕量化、保暖、透氣舒適等等優點。 鞋墊採用四層結構, ...Store or shop front view vector illustration, cartoon line outline storefront on street isolated on white background. 使用AI編輯.Outline VPN是一個自由及開放原始碼軟體,用於在多個雲服務上快速部署Shadowsocks伺服器。該軟體還包括多平台的客戶端軟體。 Outline是由Google創建的技術孵化器Jigsaw ...Shop outline icon 免版稅圖片. 493,238 張「shop outline icon」庫存照片、向量圖與插圖任您下載,全部免版稅。 觀看「shop outline icon」庫存短片. 篩選條件. 圖片類型.Online store outline icons set. Creative icons:...-插圖素材(No.111034482)。您可在PIXTA上購買和銷售免權利金圖片、插圖和影片。
Outline: Knowledge Organizer is a powerful tool for managing notes and projects. It's compatible with MS OneNote and made for those who value structure and order. Create, connect and synchronize notes of study, work or personal goals. TAKING NOTES Start with a simple step: take notes in a convenient editor. — Put a text in any place like in a paper notebook. — Move ideas across pages and sections. — Add text, images, tables, lists and even embedded links. — Visualize notes with integrating icons, tags and to-do lists. — Adjust a convenient display in dark or light modes. APPLE WRITING TOOLS Outline enhances your writing skills on macOS: — Proofreading: checking spelling and grammar. — Rewriting: paraphrasing a text (friendly, professional or concise tones). — Summarizing: making lists and tables for structuring. INFORMATION STRUCTURING — Sort notes out to sections, topics or projects. — Adjust tags to find what you need within seconds. — A simple hierarchical organization helps take even big data under control. ATTACH DOCUMENTS & ANNOTATE PRINTOUTS Keep all relevant materials together. Attach files directly to notes and insert PDFs as printouts for annotation. Outline is designed to be your universal tool for organizing and working with information. CONVENIENT SEARCH An instant search enables you to find information even in thousands of notes. Use filters in order to find necessary data fast, and forget about what it’s like to get lost in information chaos. DATA SYNCHRONIZATION All your notes are synchronized between devices as Outline is compatible with popular clouds such as Box, Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive, WebDAV, SharePoint or even your own one. Keep working from home, at the office or on the go — your data is always at your fingertips. INTEGRATION WITH MS ONENOTE — Work with OneNote files on Mac, iPad and iPhone. — Synchronization with OneDrive and SharePoint for collaborative work. — Work with LOCAL notebooks, not tied to Microsoft Cloud/Subscription. SECURITY AND PRIVACY Your data is under reliable protection: — Data storage locally or in the cloud. — Password protection and encryption of sections. — Automatic locking for added security. Download Outline for free and make sure that it’s easy to structure and manage knowledge. Try it right now! STAY TUNED WITH OUTLINE Subscribe to: — Facebook: — Twitter: Text to [email protected] for questions. Learn more at By using this app, you agree to standard Apple Terms of Use (EULA):
開發者「 Gorillized 」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱 開發者的隱私權政策 。This update adds two key features: - Advanced Config: Customizable connections support multiple protocols (including WebSockets), separate TCP/UDP ports, and more. Enables future enhancements and simplifies adding new protocols. Existing configurations are still supported. - WebSockets: Supports Shadowsocks-over-WebSockets, wrapping traffic in web traffic for improved circumvention. Helps bypass protocol allowlisting and IP blocking.
Outline app is not well supports on the iPadOS while rotating the iPad display into landscape and multitask viewing !
Thank you for your feedback! To better support your needs, please send feedback through the app or contact us at
開發者「 Jigsaw Operations LLC 」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱 開發者的隱私權政策 。*每件商品的尺寸版型皆不相同,請務必下單時依照上述尺寸表挑選最符合自己身型尺寸,如有任何問題歡迎下單前私訊發問!
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這些材料可機洗,但為了安全起見,建議使用溫水手洗。請勿將 SUBU 放入乾衣機中乾燥,因為鞋底的 EVA 層可能會受到損壞。2018年3月, PCMag 的Max Eddy表示,Outline VPN的預覽版本「非常容易使用( startlingly easy to use )」以及「消除了與VPN公司相關的隱私問題( removes privacy concerns associated with VPN companies )」。然而,Eddy批評該軟體沒有加密 Windows 上的所有流量,並警告用戶「與大型VPN公司相比,個人使用可能缺乏一些匿名性( individual use may lack some anonymity compared [to] large VPN companies )」。 [ 10 ]
從版本1.2開始,Outline的 Windows 、 macOS 、 Chrome OS 、 Android 以及 iOS 客戶端界面上出現了'Beta'的字樣,有效地開始加密來自設備的所有流量。
Outline不是一個 匿名 工具,它沒有提供與 Tor 相同程度的匿名保護( Tor 通過三個 躍點 ( 英語 : Hop (networking) ) 而不僅僅是一個 路由 流量,並且還可以防止 瀏覽器指紋 識別等攻擊)。
Outline使用 Shadowsocks 協議在客戶端和伺服器之間的通信,對流量使用 IETF ChaCha20 流密碼 ( 256位元 密鑰 ) [ 6 ] 進行加密,並使用 IETF Poly1305 身份驗證器進行身份驗證。 [ 7 ]
Outline VPN 是一個 自由及開放原始碼軟體 ,用於在多個 雲服務 上快速部署 Shadowsocks 伺服器 [ 2 ] [ 3 ] 。該軟體還包括多平台的 客戶端 軟體。 Outline是由 Google 創建的 技術孵化器 Jigsaw 開發的。
Outline Server不僅可以在私人伺服器中使用,也可以在包括 DigitalOcean 、 Rackspace 、 Google雲端平台 和 Amazon EC2 在等雲服務上安裝使用。 [ 4 ] 安裝時可用 命令行 或 圖形界面 (僅限 DigitalOcean )。
Outline是 自由及開放原始碼軟體 ,根據 Apache許可證 2.0許可,並由Radically Open Security審核,同時也聲稱不會 記錄 用戶的 網絡流量 [ 8 ] [ 9 ] 。Outline Server支持無人值守升級。497,260 張「shop outline icon」庫存照片、向量圖與插圖任您下載,全部免版稅。
尺寸和格式任君挑選 購買圖片優惠套餐,除了可以下載 S~XL 所有尺寸 的圖片以外,還可以選擇下載向量圖這種 不同的格式 。
可把未使用完的下載張數遞延至次月繼續使用,絕不浪費! 以可遞延的上限張數為限,未下載完的張數,可在隔月後的一定期間內 遞延使用 。