


Palantir Technologies Inc. builds and deploys software platforms for the intelligence community to assist in counterterrorism investigations and operations ...獲取Palantir Technologies Inc. (PLTR) 的最新股票消息和頭條新聞,助你作出交易和投資決策。Palantir Technologies Inc (PLTR) 股價和財報分析,最新本益比658.95 倍,現金股利殖利率0.0%。最關鍵的指標和圖表,幫助投資人瞭解PLTR 股票,判斷值不值得投資。業務介紹. 帕拉丁科技公司(Palantir Technologies Inc.)在美國為情報界建立和部署軟件平台,以協助反恐調查和行動。該公司提供帕拉丁戈瑟姆(Palantir Gotham)軟件平台, ...今年聲浪不斷的AI 大明星,9/6 宣布被納入標普500 成分股的Palantir (PLTR) 可謂是氣勢如虹,截至11/15,Palantir 今年以來已上漲超過283%,漲幅稱霸所有標普500 成分股。本基金為主動型ETF,旨在尋求每日槓桿投資結果為Palantir Technologies Inc.(NYSE:PLTR)(「基礎股票」)普通股每日百分比變化的2倍(200%) 。該基金試圖透過基礎股票的掉 ...Palantir Technologies Inc (PLTR) 2024Q4電話會議重點摘要和逐字稿,了解分析師和法人關注焦點、產業狀況和公司競爭優勢。PalantirTechnologies Inc(紐約證券交易所代碼:PLTR)股價週二下跌2.4%,至23.43美元,儘管該時段缺乏具體的公司新聞。幾隻軟件和網絡安全股票的股票 a.本基金為主動型ETF,旨在尋求扣除費用和開支後的每日投資結果,相當於Palantir Technologies Inc.(納斯達克:PLTR)每日業績200%的每日投資結果。在正常情況下, ...✓ 財報全面超乎預期,營收與利潤率顯著提升 ✓ AI 產品AIP 市場需求爆發,推動美國商業業務強勁成長 ✓ 商業合約總值大幅提升,未來營收可見度高 ✓ 公司現金流 ...In this AI revolution, anyone looking for a solution that actually works is going to choose Palantir. 我們透過數十年對本體論的開發投入,確立了自己的地位,這使得組織能夠將 LLM 無縫地融入他們的企業中,釋放他們最大的潛在槓桿作用。 大多數組織目前都陷入了日益擴大的鴻溝的錯誤一側,他們正在製定2 年、5 年和10 年計劃,但這些計劃幾天后就變得過時,他們從未採取行動,但Palantir 或我們快速成長的客戶群卻不會這麼做。 The result -- the rapid emergence of quantified exceptionalism for organizations able to unlock the potential of these commoditized models through AIP. With the proliferation of AI models, the raw AI labor supply is exploding. AI is a pivotal component in driving innovation and efficiency, something companies need to embrace or fall behind. The AI revolution continues, transforming industries and redefining how organizations operate. Our momentum accelerated through yearend, closing out 2024 with exceptional Q4 results, including an extraordinary top line beat and outperformance led by our US business. These rates reflect year over year comparisons unless otherwise stated. Our press release, investor presentation, and other earnings materials are available on our investor relations website at investors.palantir.com. 我們今天提供的新聞稿和投資者介紹中包含了有關這些非公認會計準則指標的更多信息,包括非公認會計準則與可比公認會計準則指標的調節。 These non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in addition to you, not as a substitute for or in isolation from GAAP measures. Further, during the course of today's call, we will refer to certain adjusted financial measures. We undertake no obligation to update forward-looking statements except as required by law. During the call, we will make statements regarding our business that may be considered forward-looking within applicable securities laws, including statements regarding our first quarter in fiscal 2025 results, management's expectations for our future financial and operational performance, and other statements regarding our plans, prospects, and expectations. I'm Ana Soro from Palantir's finance team, and I'd like to welcome you to our fourth-quarter of 2024 earnings call. Palantir 財務團隊的 Ana Soro 歡迎與會者參加 2024 年第四季財報電話會議,將對未來財務和營運績效做出前瞻性陳述。 2024 年,Palantir 經歷了非凡的成長,收入大幅增加,並專注於人工智慧創新。該公司完成了創紀錄數量的交易,尤其是在美國市場,並且繼續擴大其客戶群。 Palantir 的技術在各個行業和政府部門發揮了重要作用。 該公司報告收入和獲利能力強勁成長,專注於打造能創造價值的產品。 Palantir 對其未來發展持樂觀態度,並將自己視為推動美國革命的基石。他們強調了本體在促進人工智慧勞動和自動化、管理變革和市場競爭方面的重要性。 Palantir 對其在顛覆性環境中導航和取得成功的能力充滿信心,並強調優質工程師和合作夥伴關係在其投資策略中的重要性。 我是 Palantir 財務團隊的 Ana Soro,歡迎您參加我們 2024 年第四季財報電話會議。 We'll be discussing the results announced in our press release issued after the market close and posted on our investor relations website. 在電話會議中,我們將就我們的業務做出可能在適用證券法中被視為前瞻性的聲明,包括有關我們2025 財年第一季業績的聲明、管理層對我們未來財務和營運業績的預期,以及有關我們計劃的其他聲明、前景和期望。 These statements are not promises or guarantees and are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause them to differ materially from actual results. Information concerning those risks is available in our earnings press release distributed after the market closed today and in our SEC filings. Additional information about these non-GAAP measures, including reconciliation of non-GAAP to comparable GAAP measures, is included in our press release and investor presentation provided today. 我們的新聞稿、投資者介紹和其他收益資料可在我們的投資者關係網站 investors.palantir.com 上找到。 Over the course of the call, we will refer to various growth rates when discussing our business. Joining me on today's call are Alex Karp, Chief Executive Officer; Shyam Sankar, Chief Technology Officer; Dave Glazer, Chief Financial Officer; and Ryan Taylor, Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Legal Officer. 參加今天電話會議的還有執行長 Alex Karp; Shyam Sankar,首席技術長;戴夫‧格雷澤 (Dave Glazer),財務長;以及首席營收長兼首席法律長 Ryan Taylor。 2024 was nothing short of incredible for Palantir. 我們的勢頭在年底加速,並在 2024 年結束時取得了出色的第四季度業績,其中包括美國業務帶動的非凡營收和優異表現。 Revenue grew 14% sequentially, and 36% year over year in Q4 and 29% year over year for the full year. While everyone else is focused on the model supply side, we're transforming AI into a measurable stream of high value finished goods and services. A byproduct of our incredible progress, our Rule of 40 score increased to 81 in the fourth quarter. It's a substantial leap to deploy LLMs into production with real impact. Most organizations are currently stuck on the wrong side of the widening chasm, working on their 2, 5 and 10 year plans, which become obsolete days later, failing to ever take action, but not Palantir or our quickly growing customer base. We've taken our position through our decades-long investment in developing the Ontology, which allows organizations to seamlessly weave LLMs into their enterprise, unlocking their highest potential leverage.根據Benzinga Pro的數據,PLTR的52周高點爲27.50美元,52周低點爲7.28美元。 投資者熱切地等待即將舉行的聯邦公開市場委員會會議,將其視爲2024年第一季度的重大市場事件。儘管預計利率決定將保持穩定,但特別引人注意的是 “點狀圖”,該圖概述了聯邦公開市場委員會成員的預期利率走勢。 此外,日本央行決定放棄長期以來的負利率政策,這可能會在聯儲局做出決定之前加劇市場的不安。由於市場上沒有重要的驅動因素,聯儲局會議前的緊張情緒可能會使市場情緒低落。 For example, if you're looking to earn an annualized return of 7.47%, you'll need to buy a share of NewtekOne by the Mar. 28, 2024. Once done, you can expect to receive a nominal payout of $0.19 on Apr. 15, 2024. These are known as capital allocation programs. Palantir Technologies (NYSE:PLTR) does not pay a dividend, but obviously has a few ways it can return value to shareholders. Feel free to search Benzinga's dividend calendar for the next company that is due to pay a dividend and determine what kind of yield you can earn for holding a share of the company. An investor can make a few decisions when deciding whether a stock is a good buy. In addition to valuation metrics and price action which you can find on Benzinga's quote pages – like Palantir Technologies's page for example – there are factors like whether or not a company pays a dividend or buys a large portion of its stock each quarter. Investors are eagerly awaiting the upcoming FOMC meeting, viewing it as a significant market event for the first quarter of 2024. While the interest rate decision is expected to remain steady, attention is particularly drawn to the "dot plot," which outlines the anticipated interest rate trajectory of FOMC members. What's Going On With Palantir Technologies (PLTR) Shares? Palantir Technologies Inc (NYSE:PLTR) shares are trading lower by 2.4% to $23.43 Tuesday, despite a lack of company-specific news for the session. Shares of several software and cybersecurity stocks are trading lower ahead of Wednesday's Fed meeting and due to concerns about interest rates. The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting starts on Tuesday and ends on Wednesday. Additionally, the Bank of Japan's decision to abandon its long-held negative interest rate policy has potentially added to market unease ahead of the Fed's decision. With no significant drivers in the market, pre-Fed session nervousness might keep sentiment subdued. Higher interest rates can impact the present value of future cash flows, which affects the valuation of growth stocks like Palantir. Investors may anticipate that rising interest rates could increase borrowing costs for companies, potentially slowing down economic growth and affecting the performance of technology stocks. Buyback programs are obviously different and highly variable. A company can approve a buyback program and purchase shares as it sees fit over the course of time in which the buyback was authorized. Looking through the latest news on Palantir Technologies will often yield whether or not the company has approved a buyback program recently. Buyback programs usually serve as a support for share prices, serving as a backstop for demand. According to data from Benzinga Pro, PLTR has a 52-week high of $27.50 and a 52-week low of $7.28. Palantir Technologies Inc(紐約證券交易所代碼:PLTR)股價週二下跌2.4%,至23.43美元,儘管該時段缺乏具體的公司新聞。在週三的聯儲局會議之前,由於對利率的擔憂,幾隻軟件和網絡安全股票的股價走低。聯儲局公開市場委員會(FOMC)會議於週二開始,週三結束。 更高的利率會影響未來現金流的現值,從而影響Palantir等成長型股票的估值。投資者可能會預計,利率上升可能會增加公司的借貸成本,從而可能減緩經濟增長並影響科技股的表現。 投資者在決定股票是否值得買入時可以做出一些決定。除了可以在Benzinga的報價頁面(例如Palantir Technologies的頁面)上找到的估值指標和價格走勢外,還有一些因素,例如公司是否每季度支付股息或購買大部分股票。 這些被稱爲資本分配計劃。Palantir Technologies(紐約證券交易所代碼:PLTR)不支付股息,但顯然有幾種方法可以向股東返還價值。您可以隨時在Benzinga的股息日曆中搜索下一家即將派發股息的公司,並確定持有該公司股份可以獲得什麼樣的收益率。 例如,如果您希望獲得7.47%的年化回報率,則需要在2024年3月28日之前購買NewtekOne的股份。完成後,您預計將在2024年4月15日收到0.19美元的名義補助金。 回購計劃顯然是不同的,而且變化很大。公司可以批准回購計劃,並在回購獲得批准的時間內酌情購買股票。瀏覽Palantir Technologies的最新消息通常可以得出該公司最近是否批准了回購計劃。回購計劃通常作爲股價的支撐,作爲需求的支撐。帕拉丁科技公司(Palantir Technologies Inc.)在美國為情報界建立和部署軟件平台,以協助反恐調查和行動。該公司提供帕拉丁戈瑟姆(Palantir Gotham)軟件平台,使用戶能夠識別隱藏在各種數據集中的模式,從信號情報來源到機密線人報告,並有助於分析人員和操作人員之間的交接,幫助操作人員計劃和執行已在該平台內確定的實際威脅應對措施。該公司還提供帕拉丁基地(Palantir Foundry)平台,通過為組織的數據創建一個中央操作系統,改變了組織的運作方式;並允許個人用戶在一個地方整合和分析所需的數據。此外,該公司還提供阿波羅(Apollo)軟件,使客戶能夠在任何環境中虛擬部署自己的軟件。帕拉丁科技公司成立於2003年,總部位於科羅拉多州丹佛市。 Palantir Technologies Inc. builds and deploys software platforms for the intelligence community to assist in counterterrorism investigations and operations in the United States, the United Kingdom, and internationally. The company provides Palantir Gotham, a software platform which enables users to identify patterns hidden deep within datasets, ranging from signals intelligence sources to reports from confidential