TITLE翻譯:名字, 題目;標題;名稱, 書, 人, (用於人名前)稱號,稱謂,頭銜,職稱, 體育獎, (體育比賽的)第一名,冠軍, 法定權利, (對土地或建築物的)所有權 ...title · n. 名稱; 標題;一種 · npl. 片尾字幕 · modif. 與作品同名的;冠軍的 · vt. 給…加標題 ..."title" 例句. My official title is Director of Sales. 我的官方頭銜是業務總監。 I remember his name but forgot his title. 我記得他的名字但不記得他的職位。HTML 元素定義了顯示在瀏覽器標題欄或頁面標籤上的文件標題。它僅包含文本,元素內的標籤會被忽略。【拳運會】TITLE 拳擊綁帶拳擊手綁帶免纏式手綁帶突擊2.0 墨黑紅邊款. Regular price: NT$ 600.00. Sale price: NT$ 600.00; Regular price: NT$ 0.00.n. 書名;(書本等的)標題;頭銜;稱號;權利;資格;所有權;錦標;冠軍; v. 標題的燙印. 例句. The king bestowed lands and titles upon his followers.TITLE的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the name of a film, book, painting, piece of music, etc.: 2. the information given at the end…。了解更多。音標: [ˋtaɪt!] 解釋: 標題;書名;職稱;頭銜. 例句: What do you think the best title of this novel is? 翻譯: 你認為這本小說最好的書名是什麼?詳盡釋義 · 稱號,頭銜 · 標題,題目 · 所有權(憑證),權利 · 書名 · 冠軍 · 扉頁 · 字幕 · 資格; 職稱(名稱); 【體】錦標 ..."title" 例句. He won the Formula One world title for the first time in 1969. 他在1969年初次贏得國際汽聯世界一級方程式錦標賽的頭銜。 ... Rafael Nadal claimed his ...L'Aveu..published in English, under the title 'the endless humiliation'.
"They styled their nation `The Confederate States'"
"a strong legal claim to the property" "he had no documents confirming his title to his father's estate" "he staked his claim"
"he signed the deed" "he kept the title to his car in the glove compartment"
"he looked for books with the word `jazz' in the title" "he refused to give titles to his paintings" "I can never remember movie titles"
"the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title"
"`your majesty' is the appropriate title to use in addressing a king"備註: 目前,動態更新頁面標題不會被螢幕閱讀器自動宣佈。如果要更新頁面標題以反映頁面狀態的重大變化,則可能需要使用 ARIA Live Region 。
如果表單提交包含錯誤並且提交導致當前頁面重新呈現,則可以使用標題來幫助用戶了解其提交中的任何錯誤。例如,更新頁面 title 的值以反映重要的頁面狀態變化(像是表單驗證問題)。
這個範例建立了一個網頁,其標題(顯示在視窗頂部或視窗標籤中)為「Awesome interesting stuff」。
This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015 .
HTML 元素定義了顯示在 瀏覽器 標題欄或頁面標籤上的文件標題。它僅包含文本,元素內的標籤會被忽略。
網頁標題的內容對搜索引擎優化( SEO )可能會有重要的影響。一般來說,長而具描述性的標題比簡短或通用的標題效果更好。標題的內容是搜索引擎算法用來決定在搜索結果中列出網頁的順序的元素之一。此外,標題是吸引讀者注意力的第一個「鉤子」,用來吸引他們瀏覽搜索結果頁面。
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This page was last modified on 2024年12月13日 by MDN contributors .
Visit Mozilla Corporation’s not-for-profit parent, the Mozilla Foundation . Portions of this content are ©1998– 2025 by individual mozilla.org contributors. Content available under a Creative Commons license .To add title to a word list please sign up or log in.
( title 在 劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典 的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press)
Chilled to the bone or roasting? (The effect that the weather has on us)
例句 : What do you think the best title of this novel is ?